Page:The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 Volume 2.djvu/238

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23Z RECORDS OF THE FEDERAL CONVENTION Thursday MADISON August 9 Mr. Williamson moved to insert after "vacancies shall be supplied by the Executives", the following words "unless other provision shall be made by the Legislature" (of the State). Mr Elseworth. He was willing to trust the Legislature, or the Executive of a State, but (not) to give the former a discretion to refer appointments for the Senate to whom they pleased. Question on Mr Willlamson's motion N.H. no. Mas. no. Ct. no. N.J. no. Pa. no. Md. ay. Va. no. N- C. ay. S.C. ay- Geo. ay. [Ayesre4; noes m6.] Mr. (Madison) in order to prevent doubts whether resignations could be made by Senators, or whether they could refuse to accept, moved to (strike out the words) after "vacancies". (& insert) the words "happening by re- fusals to accept, resignations (or other vise may be supplied by the Legislature of the State in the representation of which such vacancies shall happen, or by the Executive thereof until the next meeting of the Legislature") ? Mr. Govr. Morris this is absolutely necessary. otherwise, as members chosen into the Senate are disqualified from be- ing appointed to any office by sect. 9. of this art: it will be in the power of a I?egislature by appointing a man a Senator agst. his consent, to deprive the U.S. of his services. The motion of Mr. (Madison) was agreed to hem. con. Mr. Randolph called for a division of the Section, so as to leave a distinct question on the last words, "each (member)? shall have one vote". He wished this last sentence to be postponed until the reconsideration should have taken place on sect. 5. Art. IV. concerning money bills. If that section should not be reinstated his plan would be to vary the repre- sentation in the Senate. Mr. Strong concurred in Mr. Randolphs ideas on this point Mr. Read did not consider the section as to money bills of any advantage to the larger States and had voted for strik- Revised from Journal. 8Crossed out "State".