Page:The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 Volume 2.djvu/358

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TUESDAY, AUGUST 2?, ?787. JOURNAL Tuesday August 2?. I787. The honorable Mr Livingston, from the Committee of eleven to whom were referred a proposition respecting the debts of the several States? entered on the Journal of the I8 instant and a proposition respecting the militia entered on the Journal of the I8 instant informed the House that the Committee were prepared to report -- and had directed him to submit the same to the con- sideration of the House. The report was then delivered in at the Secretary's-table, and, being read throughout, is as follows. "The Legislature of the United-States shall have power "to fulfil the engagements which have been entered into by "Congress? and to discharge as well the debts of the United "States, as the debts incurred by the several States during "the late war, for the common defence and general welfare." "To make laws for organizing, arming, and disciplining "the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be '?employed in the service of the United States, reserving to "the States respectively, the appointment of the Officers, "and the authority of training the militia according to the "discipline prescribed by the United States" It was moved and seconded to postpone the consideration of the above report which passed in the affirmative On the question to agree to the $rd sect. of the 7 article as amended it passed in the affirmative [Ayes- Io; noes--?.] 352