Page:The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 Volume 2.djvu/426

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?:?0 RECORDS OF THE FEDERAL CONVENTION Saturday McHENRY N.H. ay-- Mss-- no. Ct. no-- Pa. no-- Del. no. Md. ay. Va. no. N-- C may-- S.C. ay-- Geo. no. [Ayes- 4; noes -- 6.] Adjourned McHENRY Augt. 25. The clause in the 2 sect. X artlcle? "he shall commission all the officers of the U.S. and shall appoint officers in all cases not otherwise provided for by this constitution? was moved to be amended by adding, except where by law the Executive of the several States shall have the power -- Amend- ment negatives. Maryland divided- D.C. and J. against Martin and myself affirm.?9 Moved several propositions to restrict the legislature from giving any preference in duties, or from obliging duties to be collected in a manner injurious to any State, and from estab- lishing new ports of entrance and clerance, unless neglected to be established by the States after application- Opposed by Massachusetts -- Mr. Gorahm said it might be very proper to oblige vessels, for example? to stop at Norfolk on account of the better collection of the revenue. Mr. King thought it improper to deliberate long on such propositions but to take the sense of the house immediately upon them. I moved to have them committed to a committee consist- ing of a member from each State. Committed. Proceeded a little further in the 2 sect. Mr. C. Pinkney gave notice that he would move that the consent of ? of the whole legislature be necessary to the enact- ing a law respecting the regulation of trade or the formation of a navigation act. Adjourned to monday. See above note