Page:The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 Volume 2.djvu/464

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458 RECORDS OF THE FEDE1R. AL CONVENTION Thursday JOURNAL .dugust 30 "Constitution shall be construed to affect the claim of the "United States to vacant lands ceded to them b 7 the late "treaty of Peace" which passed in the negative [Ayes--3; noes- 8.] a On the question to agree to the substitute offered to the 17 article, amended as follows. "New States may be admitted by the Legislature into "this Union: but no new State shall be hereafter formed or "erected within the jurisdiction of any of the present States "without the consent of the Legislature of such State as well "as of the general Legislature which passed in the affirmative [Ayes- 8; noes- 3.] It was moved and seconded to add the following clause to the last amendment. "Nor shall any State be formed by the junction of two or "more States or parts thereof without the consent of the "Legislatures of such States as well as of the Legislature of "the United States" which passed in the affirmative It was moved and seconded to add the following clause to the last amendment "Provided nevertheless that nothing in this Constitution "shall be construed to affect the claim of the United States "to vacant lands ceded to them by the late Treaty of peace." The last motion being withdrawn m It was moved and seconded to agree to the following propo- sition. Nothing in this Constitution shall be construed to alter the claims of the United States or of the individual States to the western territory but all such claims may be examined into and decided upon b? the supreme Court of the United States It was moved and seconded to postpone the last proposi- tion in order to take up the following. The Legislature shall have power to dispose of and make all needful rules and regulations respecting the territory or other property belonging to the United States: and nothing a Vote 407, Detail of Ayes and Noes, which notes that this was a "proposition from Maryland". See below, note I5.