Page:The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 Volume 2.djvu/478

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472 P, ECORDS OF THE FEDERAL CONVENTION Friday JOURNAL A?g?t 3? It was moved and seconded to fill up the blank in the ?Ist article with the word "nine" which passed in the affirmative [Ayes- 8; noes- 3-] On the question to agree to the 2Ist article as amended. it passed in the affirmative [Ayes- Io; noes- n] It was moved and seconded to strike the words "for their ap- probation" out of the 2znd article which passed in the affirmative [Ayes- 7; noes- 4.] It was moved and seconded to agree to the following amend- ment to the 22nd article "This Constitution shall be laid before the United States "in Congress assembled- and it is the opinion of this Con- "vention that it should afterwards be submitted to a Conven- "tion chosen in each State in order to receive the ratification "of such Convention: to which end the several Legislatures. "ought to provide for the calling Conventions within their "respective States as speedily as circumstances will permit." which passed in the negative [Ayes- 4; noes- 7-] It was moved and seconded to postpone the consideration of the z2nd article which passed in the negative. [Ayes -- 3; noes -- 8.] On the question to agree to the 22nd article as amended. it passed in the affirmative [Ayes- m; noes- I.] It was moved and seconded to fill up the blank in the' 23rd article with the word "Nine" which passed in the affirmative It was moved and seconded to agree to the z3rd article as far as the words "assigned by Congress" inclusive which passed in the affirmative It was moved and seconded to postpone the remainder of the 23rd article which passed in the negative [Ayes- 4; noes- 7.] It was moved and seconded to strike the words "choose the President of the United States and" out o? the 23rd article which passed in the affirmative [Ayes--8; noes--?; divided- L]