Page:The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 Volume 2.djvu/55

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RECORDS OF TIlE FEDERAL CONVENTION S I Thursday MADISON July ?9 which passed in the negative [Ayes--3; noes--5; divided -- 2.1 * On the question to agree to the following clause namely "for the term of six years" it passed in the affirmative [Ayes -- 9; noes -- I.] * On the question to restore the words "to be ineligible a second time" it passed in the negative. [Ayes- 2; noes- 8]. 6 And then the House adjourned till to-morrow at xI o'Clock A.M. DETAIL OF AYES AND NoEs [18I] aye aye ayeayeaye aye aye no ?y?:ayeTo reconsider all the

clauses of the 9th resolu-

tion except the fi?'st.? No Caroa withdraw their ,negatlve. ? To [x82] dd aye aye [aye aye aye aye, no no no be chosen by electors appolnted for that par- )ose ? [?8?] aye: aye aye aMe aye aye no aye no laye "by the Le?,lature* ot? the States" [I8?] no no no no no no noaye a? no To resto? the word? "to ? ineligible a ,econd time" [185] dd no aye nono no no dd ayeayefor "seven yearn" [I86] aye aye aye aye no aye aye aye. a? aye for "sk years" MADISON Thursday, July. I9. in Convention. On reconslderat?on of the vote rendering the Executive re-eligible a 2d. time, l Vote ?$5, Detail of Ayes and Noes. s Vote ?86, Detail of Ayes and Noes. ' Vote ?84, Detail of Ayes and Noes. and Noes is contimed by Madison. The order of these votes laDetall of Ayes