Page:The Second Armada - Hayward - 1871.pdf/16

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which carried Cæsar and his fortunes—in other words, the Admiral-Generalissimo and his suite—had received a six hundred pound steel-headed shot between wind and water, and had no alternative but to strike. Princes, Archdukes, and Dukes were made prisoners by the score. The renowned Chief of a brilliant Staff was picked up in an exhausted state while endeavoring to regain his ship by swimming, after the boat in which he was trying to remedy the confusion had been swamped by the surge; and a Serene Highness, who had made his way to the shore at the head of his contingent, was, with difficulty, persuaded to give up his sword to Prince Edward of Saxe-Weimar, who enacted the part of Bayard to Francis I at Pavia. But we reserve for another chapter the various episodes of this ever-memorable triumph and its results.