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THE PROSE WRITERS OF AMERICA. With a Survey of the Intellectual History, Condition, and Prospects of the Country. New edition, thoroughly revised and completed to the present time, with a supplementary Essay on the Present Intellectual Condition and Prospects of the Country. By Prof. John H. Dillingham, A. M. With seven portraits on steel and vignette title. Imperial 8vo. Cloth, extra, gilt top, bevelled boards, $5.00; sheep, marbled edges, library style, $6.00; half calf, $7.50; full Turkey morocco, $10.00.

"We are glad to possess, in this form, portions of many authors whose entire works we should never own, and if we did should probably never find time to read. We confess our obligations to the author for the personal information concerning them which he has collected in the memoirs prefixed to their writings. These are written in a manner creditable to the research, ability, and kindness of the author."—William Cullen Bryant.

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The present edition has been thoroughly revised, every page has been gone over, and notice of authors who have passed away since the previous editions were published, have been revised and continued to the period of their decease, and long and critical articles on the authors of the present day have been added, making the word complete in every respect to the present time. It should occupy a prominent place in the library of every cultivated American.

GEMS FROM THE AMERICAN POETS. With brief biographical notices. With a fine engraving on steel, 32mo, cloth, 60 cents; illuminated aides, 90 cents; Turkey mor., extra, $1.50.
THE PROSE WRITERS OF GERMANY. With Introductions. Biographical Notices, and Translations, With six portraits on steel and engraved title. Imperial 8vo. Cloth, extra, gilt top, bevelled boards, $5.00; sheep, marbled edges, library style, $8.00; half calf, gilt, $7.50; full Turkey morocco, $10.00.

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THE POETS AND POETRY OF EUROPE, With Introductions, Biographical Notices, and Translations, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. New edition, thoroughly revised and completed to the present time. With Engravings on steel and engraved title. Imperial 8vo. Cloth, extra, gilt top, bev. boards, $6.00; sheep, marbled edges, library style, $7.50; half calf, gilt, $9.00; full Turkey morocco, $12.00.

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