Page:The Soul of a Century.djvu/101

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With rising violence this yearning fills his heart
The bosom’s heavy sighs no power can restrain
His moistened eyes with bitter grief now smart,
“Oh Paradise come back . . . Be young again . .

Suddenly, on the crimson cloud appears
A lovely creature of some airy spheres
A light-hued image that beckons from the haze,
With a smile that lights his stirring youthful dream.
He used to see her with his soul agleam
But ne’er beheld her with his human gaze.
She quivers in the room with charms untold
And lifts a crystal goblet to his lip
A goblet bubbling with a foaming dew,
A rosy garland forms about its tip
A blushing ornament set fresh anew.

“Your burning wish now shall be satisfied.
This cup of reborn youth shall weave the spell
Drink . . By this nectar you will be revived,
The stream of life’s young spring again shall swell.
Your soul again with sparkling stars will shine
Your bosom heavy with happiness divine
The golden bird of love your heart shall spear
Your eyes will sparkle with a youthful fire,
Your hair again wave to your heart's desire,
Your cheeks turn light, and wrinkles disappear
Worry and boredom shall leave you with a wink,
A Poem will refresh your soul . . Come, drink.”

The vision’s voice sounds like music from afar
The goblet sparkles temptingly on high
While with a trembling hand he reaches for the star
Whose lovely scent the cup exhales so nigh,
Fresh as the breath of woods ’neath summer skies
A scent as sweet as the balmy breath of spring;
His soul is rocked in dreams of paradise
While golden bells within him sweetly ring . . .
But suddenly his outstretched hand withdraws,
Shadows of doubt cause him to ask and pause,
“Is there a drop with magic to forget,
In all the pearly wine you hold?” he asks.

“That mystic drop my goblet truly lacks,
For Lethes shores, around your dreams are set.”