Page:The South Staffordshire Coalfield - Joseph Beete Jukes - 1859.djvu/256

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  1. Page
  2. Permian rocks on west side of coal-field183
  3. —— ——— thickness of200
  4. —— ——— unconformable to Coal-measures135
  5. —— ——— outliers of, near Halesowen155
  6. Position and lie of the rocks in the coal-field140, 145
  7. —— ——— of the Permians round the coal-field183
  8. —— of the New Bed sandstone round the coal-field187
  9. Potts, Jesse, of Wyrley97
  10. Pouk Hill near Walsall, basalt at,117, 125
  11. Pouncill batt21, 45, 53
  12. Practical importance of boundary fault of coal-field176
  13. ——— —— of understanding unconformability135
  14. ——— knowledge of value to geologist192, 198
  15. ——— value of proper definition of fault190
  16. ——— —— of geological knowledge illustrated135, 149, 192, 193
  17. ——— —— of theoretical reasoning on facts connected with date of faults and denudation of Lias and Red Marl199
  18. Priestfield colliery59, 63, 68
  19. Primary or Palæozoic formations3
  20. Principal line of division of coal-field142
  21. Products in New Mine or White ironstone near High Haden58
  22. Q.
  23. Quarry Hill, near Halesowen136
  24. ——— outlier of Permian rock on135
  25. Quartz rock of the Lickey Hill111
  26. R.
  27. Ramsay, Professor, A. C,3, 8, 13, 15, 30, 153, 183, 185
  28. Ramrod Hall colliery13
  29. Rea river, source of2
  30. Red Coal-measure clays,20, 30, 31, 98, 102, 180
  31. Red coal (part of Thick coal)21
  32. Red marls3, 187
  33. ——— of the Staffordshire district, all sinkings for coal in, absurd200
  34. Red rocks surrounding coal-field183
  35. Red sand, valley or hollow in Coal-measures filled by207
  36. Ribs or walls of coal left in mining220
  37. Richards, Mr., of Wassel Grove28
  38. "Rings" for keeping coal on "skips"220
  39. Ripple or current mark on sandstone5
  40. Rising Sun Trough170
  41. Roberts, Mr., of Walsall99
  42. Robins or Old Robins coal of Wyrley23, 91
  43. Rock and rig50, 121, 124
  44. ——— binds, description of17
  45. ——— description of16
  46. ——— faults, description of45, 46
  47. ——— supposed at Heath pits138
  48. ——— bearing of, on question of formation of coal201
  49. Rocks, description of2
  50. Rock salt4
  51. Rolls, swells, or horses' backs, rise of floor into coal45, 51, 191
  52. ——— bearing of, on question of formation of coal201
  53. Romsley Hill, Permian rocks of,9, 11, 13
  54. Roofs coal (part of Thick coal)21, 35
  55. ——— (part of Bottom coal)73
  56. Rotch or Roach, description of73
  57. Rough Hills White ironstone22, 67
  58. Round Hill pits, flying reed at39
  59. Rowley Hills, height of2
  60. ——— basalt of117, 151
  61. ——— rag117
  62. Rubble coal21, 55
  63. Ruck of Stones, deep boring at11
  64. Runcorn Hill, near Cannock, red clays at102
  65. Rushall, limestone at160
  66. Russell's Hall fault151
  67. Russell, ground bailiff, Pelsall Heath169
  68. Rye Croft, Blue flats at79
  69. ——— Silurian at84
  70. S.
  71. Saint Kenelm's Chapel, Permian rocks near11, 186
  72. Salt, rock4
  73. Salter, Mr. J. W., on fossils,14, 27, 110, 112
  74. Sand beds, the, colliery at65
  75. Sandstone altered into quartz rock at Lickey Hill111
  76. ——— in Thick coal at Baremoor44
  77. ——— —— at Causeway Green51
  78. ——— singular relation of to Flying reed40
  79. Sandwell Park, cuttings near11
  80. Sawyer coal (part of Thick coal)21, 35
  81. Secondary or Mesozoic rocks2
  82. Section, general20
  83. ——— of northern district23
  84. ——— of Thick coal35, 37, 40, 41, 44, 47
  85. ——— of Gubbin measures53
  86. ——— of New Mine ironstone56
  87. ——— of beds at Cathedral pits58
  88. ——— of New Mine coal60
  89. ——— of Fire-clay coal65
  90. ——— of measures between Fire-clay and Bottom coals68
  91. ——— of Bottom coal68 to 74
  92. ——— of Gubbin and Balls75
  93. ——— of Blue flats, Silver threads and Diamonds79
  94. ——— of base of Coal-measures83
  95. ——— of measures at Bentley88
  96. ——— of Wyrley91
  97. ——— of Essington94