Page:The South Staffordshire Coalfield - Joseph Beete Jukes - 1859.djvu/57

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Fig. 4

The facts stated above are represented in Figure No. 4, in which the original relative positions of the coals are drawn with as close an approximation to accuracy as the materials will allow.

At two pits, sunk since the first edition of this Memoir was published, of which the sections have been communicated by Mr. Beckett, of Wolverhampton, who obtained them from Mr. Growcott, the following facts are noticeable:—

No. 1. Round Hill pits, near Fir Tree House.[1] Himley,—

  FT. IN. FT. IN.
Flying reed coal   2 3
Fire clay, &c. 8 3
Strong dark binds 29 0
Binds and peldon 25 3
Rock and peldon 46 6
Thick coal (with partings)   39 2
  109 0 41 5

No. 3. Pit of Himley Colliery, a little south of the pit above,—

  FT. IN. FT. IN.
Flying reed coal   2 6
Fire clay 5 0
Rock binds and peldon 110 6
Thick coal   24 6
  115 6 27 0

It is very remarkable that there seems to be no corresponding addition to the height of the Brooch coal above the remainder of the Thick coal in these cases; but as the thickness between the Flying reed coal and the remainder of the Thick coal increases, that between the Flying reed and the Brooch diminishes in nearly the same ratio. Where, for instance, the Flying reed is only 10 feet 6 inches above the rest of the Thick coal, the Brooch is 95 feet above the Flying reed, but it is only 30 feet above it in the last section given above, where the latter is 115 feet above the rest of the Thick coal.

It is farther remarkable that both on the north and on the west where this Flying reed makes it appearance there is a simultaneous change, not only in the grouping, but in the nature of the beds between the Brooch and it. Wherever the Thick coal remains entire, there is a sandstone known as the Thick-coal rock above the Thick coal and between it and the Brooch. When, however, the Flying reed has attained any height above the Thick coal, there is no sandstone between it and the Brooch, but sandstone (or rock) is found underneath the Flying reed between it and the rest of the Thick coal.

It appears, then, notwithstanding the inclined position of the

  1. See Vertical Section, No. 48, sheet 26.