Page:The Story of the House of Cassell (book).djvu/297

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Phillips, Alfred R., 213
"Phrase and Fable, Dictionary of," 166
Phythian, Mr., 4
"Pictorial England and Wales," 170
Picture poster, John Cassell's first, 26
"Picturesque Australasia," 107, 168
"Picturesque Europe," 68
"Picturesque Mediterranean," 107, 108
Playfair, Sir Lambert, 189
Plon. M. Henri, and the "Vie de César," 50
Plummer, John, 30
Lord Brougham and, 37
Plumptre, Professor (afterwards Dean of Wells), 29, 72, 200
Pocahontas, 20
Politics, American, Cassell and, 50
Pollen, Hungerford, 97
"Popular Biblical Educator," 29
(See also "Bible Educator")
"Popular Educator," 25 et seq., 141
tributes to, 27 et seq., 35, 93
Portsmouth, Countess of, 135
"Poultry, Illustrated Book of," 191
Power, Rev. P. B., 123
Poynter, Sir E. J., 106, 201
"Practical Electricity," and its author, 195
Praeger, Ferdinand, 175
Prinsep, Val, 100
Priolo, Paolo, 54
Proctor, John, 143
"Protestantism," Wylie's, 196
Punch's History of the Great War, 205
Punshon, Rev. Morlev, 123
"Puritan's Wife," 119
Puttock, J. H., 83–4
and Richard Kearton, 192

"Queen's Empire," 78, 170
Queen's Hospital, Little Folks readers and, 120
"Queen's London," 170
Quiller-Couch, Sir A., 118
his biography of A. J. Butler, 74
on staff of Speaker, 155, 219
"reader" to the House, 219
works of, 218
Quiver, and its editors, 114 et seq., 123
funds 122
its inception, 120 et seq.
jubilee year, 123
Order for Honourable Service, 122
"Quotations, Book of," 100
"Quotations, Classified," 167

Rabagliati, Dr., 171
Rackham, Arthur, 126
Radziwill, Princess Catharine, 205
Ralston, W. R. S., 177
Rawlinson, Canon, 29
Reade, Charles, 144
a criticized serial in Cassell's Magazine, 81, 115
"Real Siberia," 179
"Recent British Battles on Land and Sea," 172
"Recollections of the Empress Eugénie," 185
"Red Morn," 119
Reid, Captain Mayne, 144
Reid, Sir George, his "Reminiscences," 185
Reid, Sir Wemyss, as raconteur, 130
becomes general manager, 68
founds Speaker, 155
his biographical works, 68, 180
his death, 70
offers Max Peniberton editorship of Chums, 129
replies to Archdeacon Farrar, 197
Reid, Thomas Wilson, 75
Reynolds, Mrs. Baillie, 124
"Ride to Khiva," 178
Ringer, Dr. Sidney, 185
"Rivers of Great Britain," 170
Roberts, Lord, contributes to Chums, 131
Robertson, John Forbes, 97, 171
Robertson, Rev. Eric, appointed Principal of Lahore University, 99
edits Magazine of Art, 97
Robinson, Sir John, 81
Rohmer, Sax, 220
Rountree, Harry, 120
"Royal Academy Pictures," 103
"Royal Shakespeare," 158
Ruskin, John, his dislike of telegrams, 101
writes "The Black Arts," 101