Page:The Theatre of the Greeks, a Treatise on the History and Exhibition of the Greek Drama, with Various Supplements.djvu/420

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394 ON THE LANGUAGE, METKES AND PROSODY I ^ II I 11 (TO(f)ia<; €VC/C€V 7racrato-t /jlcv ov. 1 n I II II Travfjov yap Sr] yevos €v TroXXats cupoi9 av tacos ovK UTroixovcrov to yvvacKiov. 3. Of course, we are not ignorant that Dawes has given a different ictuation to the Dactylic parts of Anapestic verse so called. Assuming that the Anapestic movement is necessarily kept up through the whole System, to preserve that uniformity he lays the ictus on the middle syllable of the Dactyl, — v^ v^, and on the second of the Spondee, --. {Miscell Crit. pp. 189, 122 = 354, 357 of Kidd's last edition .) Five lines marked by himself may suffice to show his mode of ictuation in the Dactylic dipodias. , L ' ' ' ' Equit. 496, AAA tat ^atfjiov, Kat 7r/oa^'etas I I I I Kara vow tov c/xov Kat o^e ^vAarrot II II Zeu9 ayopatos* Kat vLKr]cra<: II 1,1 av6i<s eKeiOev TraAtv (Js yjjia<; I I I cAaots ore^avots KaraTracTTO?. No scholar since that day appears to have doubted or discussed Dawes's account of this matter, much less to have approved and de- fended it. With great reluctance one dissents from so masterly a critic, whose contributions to metrical knowledge can never be estimated too highly: but much careful thought bestowed on the subject has led to that very different result which is here (§1) and above (ch. viii. § 1) candidly stated, and not without some confidence proposed as the plain and practical truth. XI. — The Ictus of the lo7ig Trochaic verse of Tragedy. 4. In the ictus of Trochaic and in that of Iambic verse, which for the greater clearness, as will be seen, are taken in that order, there is no doubt or difficulty, so long as the simple feet, and the Spondees when paired with one or the other, alone are concerned. Every Trochee has the ictus on its first, every Iambus on its second syllable; and the Spondee, as it is Trochaic or Iambic, is marked accordingly.