Page:The Theatre of the Greeks, a Treatise on the History and Exhibition of the Greek Drama, with Various Supplements.djvu/442

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416 EXAMINATION PAPERS ON year, was each celebrated? To what division of the Greek nation did the month Lenseon belong 1 To what Attic month did it correspond ? What is the origin of the name, and what inference may be di-awn from it as to the place of the month in the calendar? Which was the most ancient of the Dionysia at Athens ? 5. At which of the Dionysia were dramatic entertainments given? In which were the dithyrambic choruses exhibited? What were the peculiar regulations affecting the performances at each festival? In which were the rpaywSot Kacvoi ? What authority is there for believing that women were admitted to these spectacles ? 6. Translate : elcrijveyKC vofxov ras rpaywStas avroiv iv koivo) ypai^a/xe- vov<; (fivXarreLv kol tov rrjs TroXews ypajxixaria TrapavaytyvoJo'Ketv rots viroKpi- vofxivoi^. Who was the author of this law, and what were its objects? Translate and explain : ol TroLrjrai rpcts iXdixjSavov vTroKptras kXt/pw vefir]- 6ivTa<s vTTOKptvo/xevovs rd Spafiara, wv o viKrjaa'; cts TOVTnov aKpiTOS irapa- Xaix/3dv€TaL What were the particular denominations of these actors? How were the parts in the Fersce probably distributed among them? What was the general name for the other characters in a play ? 7. Give some examples to illustrate the different light in which actors were regarded by the Greeks and by the Romans. How is the fact to be explained? From what causes did the profession of an actor rise in importance in Greece between the age of ^schylus and that of Demosthenes ? 8. What part of the expense of the theatrical entertainments was defrayed by the Athenian government, and what by individuals ? Men- tion the various duties and charges to which the -^^op-qyoi were subject. With what powers did the law invest them in the execution of their office ? Explain the origin and nature of the ©ewpiKw, the changes that took place in the distribution of it, and its political consequences. Who were the Oearpajvai and Oearpo-n-wXat ? Explain the allusion in the characteristic : kol pivots Sc avrov Oiav ayopao-as p^rj Sovs to ix€po<s O^wpeiv. ay€LV 8e TOV<i vlov<s els rrjv vcrTepatav kol tov TratSaywyov. 9. Mention the various ways in which Greek Tragedy was made to answer political purposes, and produce some illustrations from the ex- tant plays. By which Tragedian was the drama most frequently so applied? What arguments beside that of the Fersce M^ere taken from events subsequent to the return of the Heracleids? How do you explain the saying attributed to ^schylus : ras avTov rpaywStas Tcp^d^r] etrat T<j)V 'Ojxypov p,€ydoiv SetTrvwv ?