Page:The Tragedy of the Duchesse of Malfy (1623).pdf/56

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The Tragedy of

I shall not be at your Ceremony: fare you well,
Write to the Duke of Malfy, my yong Nephew,
She had by her first husband, and acquaint him,
With's mothers honesty.

I will.

A slave, that onely smell'd of yncke, and coumpters,
And nev'r in's like, look'd like a Gentleman,
But in the audit time, go, go presently,
Draw me out an hundreth and fifty of our horse,
And meete me at the fort-bridge.Exeunt.


Two Pilgrimes to the Shrine of our Lady of Loretto.

I have not seene a goodlier Shrine then this,
Yet I have visited many.

The cardinall of Arragon
Is, this day to resigne his Cardinals hat,
His sister Duchesse likewise is arriv'd
To pay her vow of Pilgrimage, I expect
A noble Ceremony.

No question.——They come.

[Here the Ceremony of the Cardinalls enstalment, in the habit
of a Souldier: perform'd in delivering up his Crosse, Hat, Robes,
and Ring, at the Shrine; and investing him with Sword,
Helmet, Sheild, and Spurs: then Antonio, the Duchesse, and
their Children, (having presented themselves at the Shrine)
are (by a forme of Banishment in dumbe-shew, expressed
towards them by the Cardinall, and the State of Ancona)
banished: During all which Ceremony, this Ditty is sung (to
very sollemne Musique) by divers Church-men, and then

