Page:The Universal Songster and Museum of Mirth.djvu/213

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?10 come so?o?. ?!the m&iden he loved was aside as the snow, many a sigh did he give her--just so. He drardt It got in his head--put him quite in a glow, And nta? his eyes roll ?ll alx?ut him?jmt so. He tlten went & courting, thou? net very ?t, And not able to stand, why he w?s tbrcod to sit; Says he, "oh, my love, you'll'excuse me I know," Says she, "Mr. Dip, you've ? _drinkioW"--just Says he, "O?! my angel, pray doubt not my love, For you know I'm as Faithful and true as a dove? Only feel how my heart pit-a-pats to and Fro," Says she, "Mr. Dip, you're a brute beast*'--just "My d?rlin?," says he, "only let mm And I. promise I never will do it ?; Come, let us be Friends, kiss before IBays?9he, tlum, to him, "kiss the devit"---ju? so, ?Oh! oh. t then," says he, "iF you're-positive still, And determined to show me you'll have y?r own Curse me if I care for it!--I'11 let you know, I don't care a fig for your passio?"?just so. He p? on him hat, and he reeled to the door, ?W?m?e the poor maiden's heart was gett? �tys he, "by your cruelty here I do go;" Says she, "Mr. Dip, can you leave me?"--just so. ?kt hea?t?ng these words, Mr. Dip titan tm?ed baok, �And gave her sweet lips such a good hearty smack Says he, "then next 8umtay to church let us go,