Page:The Urantia Book, 1st Edition.djvu/18

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Contents of the Book


20.The Paradise Sons of God 223
1.The Descending Sons of God 223
2.The Magisterial Sons 224
3.Judicial Actions 226
4.Magisterial Missions 226
5.Bestowal of the Paradise Sons of God 227
6.The Mortal-Bestowal Careers 228
7.The Trinity Teacher Sons 230
8.Local Universe Ministry of the Daynals 231
9.Planetary Service of the Daynals 231
10.United Ministry of the Paradise Sons 232

21.The Paradise Creator Sons 234
The Original Michael
1.Origin and Nature of Creator Sons 234
2.The Creators of Local Universes 235
3.Local Universe Sovereignty 237
4.The Michael Bestowals 239
5.Relation of Master Sons to the Universe 240
6.Destiny of the Master Michaels 241

22.The Trinitized Sons of God 243
1.The Trinity-Embraced Sons 243
Trinitized Sons of Attainment
Trinitized Sons of Selection
Trinitized Sons of Perfection
2.The Mighty Messengers 245
3.Those High in Authority 246
4.Those Without Name and Number 246
5.The Trinitized Custodians 247
6.The Trinitized Ambassadors 248
7.Technique of Trinitization 249
Ascender-trinitized Sons
Paradise-Havona trinitized Sons
Trinitized sons of destiny
8.The Creature-Trinitized Sons 251
9.The Celestial Guardians 252
10.High Son Assistants 253

23.The Solitary Messengers 256
1.Nature and Origin of Solitary Messengers 256
2.Assignments of Solitary Messengers 257
3.Time and Space Services of Solitary Messengers 260
Seraphic and other space velocities
4.Special Ministry of Solitary Messengers 262
Trinitized sons of destiny