Page:The Urantia Book, 1st Edition.djvu/35

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Contents of the Book


7.Primitive Clubs and Secret Societies 790
8.Social Classes 792
9.Human Rights 793
10.Evolution of Justice 794
11.Laws and Courts 796
12.Allocation of Civil Authority 797

71.Development of the State 800
1.The Embryonic State 800
2.The Evolution of Representative Government 801
3.The Ideals of Statehood 803
4.Progressive Civilization 804
5.The Evolution of Competition 805
6.The Profit Motive 805
7.Education 806
8.The Character of Statehood 806

72.Government on a Neighboring Planet 808
1.The Continental Nation 808
2.Political Organization 809
3.The Home Life 811
4.The Educational System 812
5.Industrial Organization 813
6.Old-Age Insurance 814
7.Taxation 815
8.The Special Colleges 816
9.The Plan of Universal Suffrage 817
10.Dealing with Crime 818
11.Military Preparedness 818
12.The Other Nations 819

73.The Garden of Eden 821
Tabamantia's inspection
1.The Nodites and the Amadonites 821
2.Planning for the Garden 822
3.The Garden Site 823
4.Establishing the Garden 823
5.The Garden Home 824
6.The Tree of Life 825
7.The Fate of Eden 826

74.Adam and Eve 828
1.Adam and Eve on Jerusem 828
2.Arrival of Adam and Eve 829
3.Adam and Eve Learn About the Planet 830
4.The First Upheaval 832
5.Adam's Administration 833
6.Home Life of Adam and Eve 834
7.Life in the Garden 835
8.The Legend of Creation 836