Page:The Victoria History of the County of Surrey Volume 3.djvu/497

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��The church of ST. BARTHOLOMEW

CHURCH is a small rectangular building measuring

inside 43 ft. 5 in. by 1 8 ft. 4 in. with a

screen placed 1 7 ft. 8 in. from the east wall to separate

the chancel from the nave.

All the walls are of 13th-century date, except that at the west, this having been rebuilt in modern times. There is no evidence of the existence of a chancel arch. The building was disused for two centuries, from 1674 to 1861.

The east window is a late 15th-century insertion with three peculiar cinquefoil lights and a square head without a label. The inside jambs are splayed and have a flat segmental chamfered rear arch.

In the north wall are three 13th-century lancets, one in the chancel and two in the nave, the first and easternmost having plain chamfered jambs and head and inside splays with a semicircular rear arch. The second is rather wider and has chamfered and rebated jambs and head and a chamfered rear arch, which with the internal splays is either modern or retooled. The third window is similar to the first except that the jambs are rebated only and the inside stonework is either modern or has been retooled. Between the first and second of these windows is a 13th-century doorway, originally external, but now used as an entrance from the vestry, which is built of wood and corrugated iron. The jambs and pointed arch of the doorway are moulded with an edge roll.

The south wall has four windows, two in the chancel and two in the nave. The easternmost dates from about 1330 and has two trefoiled lights with a quatrefoil over and a scroll-moulded label. The second window is apparently of 15th-century date and has a single cinquefoiled light. The sill is low down and the inside is rebated for a shutter, one of the hooks for hanging it still remaining in position.

The third and fourth windows are similar to the opposite ones in the nave except that in the third the jambs are chamfered only and the rear arch is semicircular.

Between these last two windows is a doorway similar to that in the north wall of the chancel, but wider, and having a grooved and hollow-chamfered label. The jambs are modern.

Below the sill of the south-east window is a small recess with plain chamfered jambs and square head. The sill is plastered, but it no doubt once held the circular piscina basin which is now lying loose on the window-sill above.

To the west of this is a similar but wider recess with a stone sill which was probably used as a single seat.

The west window of the nave is modern and has two cinquefoiled lights and a two-centred head with tracery of late 14th-century design.

The walls are of flint in mortar with stone dressings, except the west wall, which is of brick with a tile- hung gable, from which projects a small bell-cot with one bell. The buttresses to the south wall are modern. The roof is of modern open timber-work and is covered outside with tiles.

The chancel screen has a panelled lower portion, above which are six lights on either side of the cen-

��tral opening. Each light has flowing tracery in the head, and the mullions and cornice are moulded. The central doorway has a flat four-centred head with carved leaves in the spandrels, and is of I 5th-century date, but the rest of the screen is for the most part modern, including all the tracery to the lights.

All the other interior fittings are modern. There are no monuments of any importance, but in the churchyard outside the west wall is a long tapering stone which was probably once used as a coffin lid.

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The Communion plate is modern and is not silver.

The first book of registers is dated 1598; the entries, however, are from 1561 and consist of baptisms, burials, and marriages, which continue until 1646. During the Commonwealth the only entries are the births of the children of a certain Joseph Freakes, but after the Restoration other entries continue up to 1 674. The church was early appropriated ADVQWSQN to Waverley ," but it does not appear in Pope Nicholas's Taxation of 1291. The abbey appointed a vicar in 1327," but vicars do not appear to have been instituted afterwards, and it was probably treated as a donative, with perpetual curates presented by Waverley without episcopal in- stitution. The ' advowson ' which was granted with Waverley to Fitz William at the Dissolution probably means the advowson of Wanborough, for there was no parish of Waverley. Richard Harding, who lived as a tenant in the abbey buildings, was married and had his children baptized at Wanborough, and in 1600 William Hampton and Joan Smith, both of Waverley, were married after having had their banns published in Wanborough Church. Some of the other names in the fragmentary register are suspected as being of Waverley, which was extra-parochial, but of which this seems to have been still commonly considered the church. The lay impropriators paid no regular sti- pend to curates. The names of two survive for 1598- 1600 and 161 2-1 3, but services were often performed by clergy of other parishes. By the exertions of the Rev. G. C. R. Chilton, vicar 1 86 1 to 1895, a small endowment fund was raised. The church was disused altogether for about 200 years, but the parish always remained separate, and the advowson of the now restored church is in the hands of Mr. G. McKibben.

��17 A chaplain of Wanborough, Richard, witneised a nth-century deed now in the Loieley MSS.

18 Winton Epit. Reg. Stratford, fol. loii.


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