Page:The Waning of the Middle Ages (1924).djvu/368

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  1. Lamb,” “Adoration of the—, by the Brothers Van Eyck, 224, 238, 244, 257, 258, 259, 262, 273, 291
  2. Lancaster, House of—, 11
  3. Lancaster, John of Gaunt, Duke of—, 85, 225
  4. Lancelot, 9, 59, 60, 69, 78, 121
  5. Lannoy, Baudouin de—, 254
  6. Lannoy, Family of—, 239
  7. Lannoy, Ghillebert de—, 162
  8. Lannoy, Jean de—, 231
  9. La Noue, Francois de—, 68
  10. Lapsu et reparatione justitiæ, Liber de—, by Nicolas de Clemanges, 51
  11. La Roche, Alain de la—, 180 ss., 189
  12. La Salle, Antoine de—, 135
  13. La Tour Landry, Chevalier de—, 78, 112 ss., 145, 153
  14. La Trémoïlle, Guy de—, 87, 227
  15. Lausanne, 219
  16. Laval, Jeanne de—, 269
  17. Lazarus, 132
  18. “Leal Souvenir,” by Jan van Eyck, 254
  19. Le Fèvre, Jean—, 129, 130
  20. Lefèvre de Saint Remy, Jean—, 58, 236
  21. Lefranc, Martin—, 219
  22. Legris, Estienne—, 106
  23. Leipsic, 289
  24. Lelinghem, 224
  25. Le Maire de Belges, Jean—, 55, 305
  26. Leo X, Pope—, 62
  27. Liber de Virtutibus Philippi ducis Burgundiæ, by Jean Germain, 142
  28. Liège, bishopric of—, 14
  29. Lille, 8, 50, 80, 104, 141, 229, 231, 232, 290, 298
  30. Limburg, Brothers of—, 238 ss., 270, 273, 280; Paul of—, 270, 281
  31. Lisieux, 106
  32. Lithuania, 84
  33. Livre de Crainte Amoureuse, Le—, by Jean Berthelemy, 180
  34. Livre du chevalier de la Tour Landry pour l’enseignement de ses filles, 112
  35. Livre du voir Dit, Le—, by Guillaume de Machaut, 109 ss.
  36. Livy, Titus—, 62, 300
  37. Loches, Forest of—, 42
  38. London, 166
  39. Longuyon, Jacques de—, poet, 61
  40. Lorraine, René, Duke of—, 139, 301
  41. Lorris, Guillaume de—, 96, 100 ss.
  42. Louis IX, King of France, 62, 150, 166
  43. Louis XI, King of France, 4, 11, 34 ss., 40, 42, 75, 116, 133, 139, 168 ss., 172, 213, 248, 268, 290
  44. Louis XIV, King of France, 31, 39
  45. Louvain, 232, 292; University of—, 218, 239
  46. Louvre, 134, 240, 256, 291
  47. Loyola, Saint Ignatius de—, 165
  48. Lucca, 237
  49. Luna, Peter of—. See Benedict ΧΙII
  50. Lunettes des Princes, Les—, by Jean Meschinot, 295
  51. Losignan, Castle of—, 231; Pierre de—, 76
  52. Lather, Martin—, 153, 194
  53. Luxembourg, André de—, 168; Pierre de—, 128, 165, 167 ss., 177
  54. Luxemburg, 85, 163; House of—, 168
  55. Lyon, Espaing du—, 269
  56. Lys, river—, 289
  57. Macabré, Dance of—, 129, 130
  58. Machaut, Guillaume de—, 61, 107 ss., 273, 274, 300
  59. Madrid, 291
  60. Mahâbhârata, 66, 77
  61. “Madonna of the Chancellor Rolin,” by Jan van Eyck, 240, 256, 257
  62. Mahuot, 89, 90
  63. Maillard, Olivier—, 5, 140, 211
  64. Mâle, Emile—, 130
  65. Malleus Maleficarum, by Henry Institoris and Jacob Sprenger, 181, 220
  66. Malouel, Jean—, 235
  67. Man with the Glass of Wine,” “The—, 253
  68. Marchant, Guyot—, 130 ss.
  69. Margaret of Anjou, Queen of England, 11, 73, 300
  70. Margaret of Austria, 237; —of York, Duchess of Burgundy, see York
  71. Margaret of Scotland, Queen of France, 197
  72. Marignano, Battle of—, 247
  73. Marmion, Colard, 232; Simon—, 232
  74. Marot, Clement—, 106, 259
  75. Mertial d’Auvergne, 109, 131, 135, 286
  76. Martianus Capella, 186
  77. Martin V, Pope—, 182
  78. “Martyrdom of Saint Erasmus,” —“of Saint Hippolytus,” by Dirk Bouts, 292
  79. Maximilian, King of the Romans, 15, 142, 226
  80. Mechlin, 60
  81. Medea, 236
  82. Medici, House of—, 30
  83. Medici, Lorenzo de’—, 169
  84. Meditationes vitæ Christi, 241