Page:The White House Cook Book.djvu/624

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meals, eating sweetmeats, candies, etc., all these tend to disorder the blood, producing pimples and blotches.

Washing of the face or skin is another consideration for a good complexion; it should be thoroughly washed in plenty of luke-warm water with some mild soap then rinsed in clear water ivell; dry with a thick soft towel. If suds is left or wiped off the skin, the action of the air and sun will tan the surface, and permanently clef ace the com- plexion ; therefore one should be sure to thoroughly rinse off all soaj) from the skin to avoid the tanning, which will leave a brown or yel- low tinge impossible to efface.


POWDERED carbonate of ammonia one ounce, strong solution of am- monia half a fluid ounce, oil of rosemary ten drops, oil of bergamot ten drops. Mix, and while moist put in wide-mouthed bottle which is to be well closed.


PREPARED chalk half a pound, powdered myrrh two ounces ; cam- phor two drachms, orris root, powdered, two ounces ; moisten the cam- phor with alcohol and mix well together.


THIS preparation is used by dentists. Pure muriatic acid one ounce, water^one ounce, honey two ounces, mix thoroughly. Take a tooth-brush, and wet it freely with this preparation, and briskly rub the black teeth, and in a moment's time they will be perfectly white; then immediately wash out the mouth well with water, that the acid may not act on the enamel of the teeth. This should be done only occasionally.


BAD breath from catarrh, foul stomach, or bad teeth, may be tem- porarily relieved by diluting a little bromo chloralum with eight or ten parts of water, and using it as a gargle, and swallowing a few drops before going out. A pint of bromo chloralum costs fifty cents, but a small vial will last a long tim e.

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