Page:The Wisconsin idea (IA cu31924032449252).pdf/174

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"It is just this element of elasticity which Privy Councillor Dr. von Steefeld advocates, that makes the extension division of peculiar significance. It is fortunate for us at this time that we have this organization in our state. In a state like ours, containing many small villages with one or two manufacturing establishments, the question upon which our whole scheme must fall or must live, is what can we do with industrial education in each little place? The large manufacturer does not have to be discussed. He can teach; he can gather in his apprentices and train them, but most of the factories or mercantile establishments in Wisconsin are not large enough to manage an undertaking of this kind for themselves. Most of our schools in the northern part of the state, especially in the scattered villages, have not enough money to give any kind of an advanced course. If we cannot give these courses by one means we must give them by another, and the only way in which we can give them and reach out to all, is through the extension division, its correspondence methods and its travelling lecturers and teachers. Professor Person in his book upon industrial education says: 'Except in those rare instances of highly centralized states which are able to impose upon their people educational systems created de novo, such an institution must be the result of gradual development. When its scope is enlarged to meet new situations, to reach new classes or to train for new activities, this enlargement should be accomplished neither by creating new instruments unrelated to the general system nor by wholly reconstructing the already existing system. This should be accomplished by developing new members which fit into the existing system and which become integral parts of it.'

"Wisconsin is not a highly centralized state and cannot impose upon its people an educational system created de novo. The university extension division will not interfere in any way with the