Page:The Wisconsin idea (IA cu31924032449252).pdf/250

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means of keeping the federal government at Washington from controlling our affairs, is to make our state laws better and better. The only way in which they can be improved is to use scientific methods in the making of them. Every improved business method together with technical, clerical help should be secured in order that the man who passes the laws may have at his command the knowledge necessary to make laws good, just and worthy to stand for all time.

If our state legislature gains in the confidence of the people, in like proportion will our supreme court and judicial bodies profit. Our courts will not feel called upon to make decisions which apparently defeat the will of the people. They will not be obliged to overthrow law after law which has been put upon our statute books by prolonged and patient struggle. Prevention is better than cure, and every effort which can be put into prevention in this case will make it easier for our courts to decide upon the true merits of the laws. Decisions based upon technicalities will be less in number and our judiciary will continue to be respected and honored.

Says the Montana bar association in a recent report: "The time of the court is consumed in hearing discussions upon statutory enactments and determining what law is in force and what has been repealed. Litigation is thus delayed, additional expense engendered and the private rights rendered insecure." What is the remedy