Page:The Wisconsin idea (IA cu31924032449252).pdf/306

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Extending the scope of the discovery statute to include the taking of depositions of non-resident plaintiffs or defendants in any county in the state.—Chapter 231.

Prohibiting the examining magistrates from acting as counsel or attorney in any action which shall previously have been determined before him as such examining magistrate.—Chapter 144.

Empowering judges of courts of record to hold in contempt, on proper proceedings, any person who refuses to testify before a board of review after proper summons.—Chapter 140.

Providing a penalty for having in possession burglarious explosives or devices.—Chapter 88.

Relating to the dissolution of corporations and evidence of title to corporate property.—Chapter 65.

Limiting the number of justices of the peace in each town to two and specifying the manner and time of election.—Chapter 72.

Relating to the admissibility of testimony of deceased witnesses or witness absent from state in any retrial or proceeding.—Chapter 65.

Legalizing and validating deeds and other written instruments acknowledged before a register of deeds to the same extent as if they had been acknowledged before a person authorized to take such acknowledgment.—Chapter 24.

Giving justices of the peace exclusive jurisdiction in all cases arising under ordinances and by-laws of villages.—Chapter 23.

Making the maximum penalty for burglary in the night time, ten years.—Chapter 64.

Providing for drawing of jurors in counties having a population of 150,000 and giving circuit judges certain powers therefor.—Chapter 219.

Empowering courts of record having criminal jurisdiction to