Page:The Works of Lord Byron (ed. Coleridge, Prothero) - Volume 3.djvu/426

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Thy fall, the theme of choral song
From virgin voices poured!
To weep would do thy glory wrong:
Thou shalt not be deplored.



Thou whose spell can raise the dead,
Bid the Prophet's form appear.
"Samuel, raise thy buried head!
King, behold the phantom Seer!"
Earth yawned; he stood the centre of a cloud:
Light changed its hue, retiring from his shroud.[1]
Death stood all glassy in his fixéd eye;
His hand was withered, and his veins were dry;
His foot, in bony whiteness, glittered there,
Shrunken and sinewless, and ghastly bare;
From lips that moved not and unbreathing frame,
Like caverned winds, the hollow accents came.
Saul saw, and fell to earth, as falls the oak,
At once, and blasted by the thunder-stroke.[2]


"Why is my sleep disquieted?
Who is he that calls the dead?
Is it thou, O King? Behold,

Bloodless are these limbs, and cold:[3]
  1. He stands amidst an earthly cloud,
    And the mist mantled o'er his floating shroud.—[MS. erased.]

  2. At once and scorched beneath ——.—[MS. Copy (l, 2).]
  3. Bloodless are these bones ——.—[MS.]