Page:The Works of Lord Byron (ed. Coleridge, Prothero) - Volume 3.djvu/453

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Where shall they turn to mourn thee less?
When cease to hear thy cherished name?
Time cannot teach forgetfulness,
While Griefs full heart is fed by Fame.


Alas! for them, though not for thee,
They cannot choose but weep the more;
Deep for the dead the grief must be,
Who ne'er gave cause to mourn before.

October 7, 1814.
[First published, Morning Chronicle, October 7, 1814.]



The Night came on the Waters—all was rest
On Earth—but Rage on Ocean's troubled Heart.
The Waves arose and rolled beneath the blast;
The Sailors gazed upon their shivered Mast.
In that dark Hour a long loud gathered cry
From out the billows pierced the sable sky,
And borne o'er breakers reached the craggy shore—
The Sea roars on—that Cry is heard no more.


There is no vestige, in the Dawning light,
Of those that shrieked thro' shadows of the Night.
The Bark—the Crew—the very Wreck is gone,

Marred—mutilated—traceless—all save one.
  1. [From an autograph MS. in the possession of Mr. Murray, now for the first time printed.]