Page:The World's Famous Orations Volume 10.djvu/305

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��Cambon, Joseph; biographical note on, vol. VII, 152; on the situation in France, 152-155,

Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Hen* ry; biographical note on, vol. V, 226; on the policy of the Liberal party, 226-238; his "The Duma is dead, long live the Duma" speech, 239-246.

Cannins, Georee; biographical note on, vol. IV, 115; on granting aid to Portugal, 115- 125.

Carnot, Lizare Nicolas Mar- guerite; biographical note on, vol. VII, 179; against setting up an empire, 179-186.

Carlyle, Thomas; biographical note on, vol. V, 17; his ad- dress as Lord Rector of Edin- burgh University, 17-33.

Castelar, Emilio; biographical note on, vol. VII, 255; plea for a republic in Spain, 255- 261.

Catiline, Lucius Serglus; bio- graphical note on, vol. II, 216; his exhortation to con- spiracy, 216-218; to nis army before his defeat in battle, 219-221.

Cato, Marcus Porclus, sur«  named "the Censor"; bio- graphical note on, vol. II, 14; in support of the Oppian law, 14-22.

Cato, Marcus Porclus, sur- named "Uticensis," or "the Younger"; biographical note on, vol. II, 230; on the pun- ishment of the Catiline con- spirators, 230-236.

Cavour, Camlllo Benso, Count di; biographical note on, vol. VII, 232; on Rome as tlie

��capital of United Italy, 232- 236.

Chalmers, Thomas; biographical note on, vol. IV, 112; ser- mon on "When all things pass away," 112-114.

Chamberlain, Joseph; biograph- ical note on, vol. V, 184; on the true conception of em- pire, 184-191.

Chatham, William Pitt, Earl of; biographical note on, vol III, 193; his retort to the el der Horace Walpole, 193-197 on the right to tax America 197-211; on affairs in Amer jca, 211-229.

Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of; biograph- ical note on, vol. Ill, 165; against the pn bill of the ministry, 165-172.

Choate, I^ufus; biographical note on, vol. IX, 149; his eulogy o^f Webster, 149-159.

Chrysostom, John, Saint; bio- graphical note on, vol. VII, 3; on the blessiags of death, 3-6.

Churchill, Lord Randolph; bio- graphical note on, vol. V, 99; his "Trust the people" speech, 99-108.

Cicero, Marcus Tullius; bio- graphical note on, vol. II, 51; his first oration against Verres, 51-71; in opposition to a new agrarian law, 71-93; his first oration against Cati- line, 93-113; his second ora- tion against Catiline, 113- 130; in behalf of Archias, the poet, 131-148; his first ora- tion against Mark Antony, 148-169; his second oration against Mark Antony, 16S>-' 199.


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