Page:The World's Famous Orations Volume 10.djvu/312

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��Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, Earl of; biographical note on, vol. Ill, 68; in his own de- fense, 68-78.

Sullivan, A. M.; biographical note on, vol. VI, 217; on the Zulu war, 217-223.

Sumner, Charles; biographical note on, vol. IX, 160; on "The crime against Kansas," 160- 173.

Tecumseh, the Shawnee Chief; biographical note on, vol. VIII, 14; to Governor Harri- son at Vincennes, 14—16; to (icneral Proctor, 16-18.

Thackeray, William Make> peace; biographical note on, vol. IV, 201; on charity and humor, 201-215.

Tone, Theobald Wolfe; biograph- ical note on, vol. VI, 132; on being found guilty, 132-136.

foombs, Robert; biographical note on, vol. IX, 211; on re- signing from the Senate, 211- 221.

Vane, Sir Harry, "the Younger"; biographical note on, vol. Ill, 137; against Richard Crom- well, 137-139; at his trial for high treason. 139-141.

Vergniaud, Pierre Victurlen; biographical note on, vol. VII, 117; on the situation in France, 117-129.

Walpole, Sir Robert; biograph- ical note on, vol. Ill, 154; on his proposed removal from of- fice, 154-164.

Washington, George; biograph- ical note on, vol. VIII, IT; on his appointment as com- mander-in-chief, 77-78; his first inaugural address, 79-85; his farewell address, 85-109.

��Webster, Daniel; biographical note on, vol. IX, 24; his first Bunker Hill monument era tion, 24-37; his reply to Hayne, 38-63; on the Clay compromise, otherwise known as "The seventh of March speech," 64-75.

Wesley, John; biographical note on, vol. Ill, 173; on God's love to fallen man, 173-180.

Whltefleld, George; biograph- ical note on, vol. Ill, 181; his sermon on the methoa of grace, 181-190.

Wilberforce, William; biograph- ical note on, vol. IV, 60; on the horrors of the slave trade, 60-70.

Wilkes, John; biographical note on, vol. Ill, 243; on coercive measures in America, 243-248-,

Wlllard, Frances E.; biograph^ ical note on, vol. X, 162; on work done for humanity, 162- 164.

Wilson, Peter, the Cayuga Chief; his speech on the em- pire state, 25-26.

Wolfe, Gen. James; biograph- ical note on, vol. Ill, 191; to his array before the battle of Quebec, 191-192.

WycHf, John; biographical note on, vol. Ill, 8; on rules for decent living, 8-10.

Yancey, William Lowndes; bio- graphical note on, vol. IXj 192; his speech of protest in the Charleston convention, 192-202.

Zwingll, Ulrlch; biographical note on, vol. VII, 30; on mercenary soldiers, 30-i37.


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