Page:The Wreck of a World - Grove - 1890.djvu/46

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The Wreck of a World.


Within the Council Chamber the panic was hardly less than without. Most of the members evinced an uneasy desire to get away, till at length Councillor Wenderman of the dry-goods store moved that the Council be adjourned sine die. A general murmur of assent followed; Councillor Bewlas, the chemist, seconded, and the Mayor was about to declare the meeting closed, when I sprang to my feet and in a few hasty words begged the Council to reconsider matters. It appeared to me so disgraceful to abandon hearth and home without a blow, that scarce knowing what I did I undertook that if the Mayor would call out the Militia I would lead them against the enemy. The idea of resistance had it seems occurred to no one, but being broached, the Council or some of their number thought it might be worth trying. I obtained the necessary authorisation, sent the bugler round the streets, and in half an hour was in uniform and at the head of a body of two