Page:The Yellow Book - 01.djvu/197

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The Dedication


Lucy.And what is his name?

Agnes.Geo——— Mr. Reddell.

Lucy.And hers is?

Agnes.Oh, I never intended to tell you. I didn't mean to say a word.

Lucy.When did it happen?

Agnes.Three days ago. That is to say, he proposed to me then, but of course it has been going on for a long time. I could see that he—at least I thought I could see. But I can hardly realise it yet. It seems all so strange. And I did intend telling you, I felt I must tell somebody, although George doesn't want it known yet, because, as I told you, he—and so I haven't said a word to father yet; but I must soon—and you won't say anything, will you? and—and oh, I am silly.

Lucy.There, have your cry out, it will do you good. Now tell me about Mr. Reddell. What is he?

Agnes.He is a writer—an author. Don't you remember I showed you a story of his a little time ago?

Lucy.I thought I knew the name.

Agnes.And you said you liked it; I was so pleased.

Lucy.Yes, I did. I thought it clever and——

Agnes.He is clever; and I do so want you to know him. He wants to know you, too. You will try to like him, won't you, for my sake?

Lucy.I have no doubt I shall.

Agnes.He is just bringing out a book. Some of the stories have been published before; the one you read was one, and if that proves a success then it will be all right; we shall be able to get married and——

Lucy.Wait a minute, Agnes. How long have you known him?

The Yellow Book—Vol. I.