Page:The Yellow Book - 01.djvu/283

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By John Oliver Hobbes and George Moore

example for Cyril. I was on thorns every second lest he should come in. Soame has just those meretricious attractions which appeal to youth and inexperience. That you should encourage such an acquaintance, and even discuss before him such an intimate matter as my hope with regard to Julia, is, perhaps, more painful than astonishing.

Lord Dol.They are both too young to marry. Let them enjoy life while they may.

Lady Dol.Enjoy life? What a degrading suggestion! I have often observed that there is a lurking taste for the vicious in every Doldrummond.[Picking up Cyril's miniature from the table.]Cyril is pure Bedingfield: my second self!

[The Butler announces Mrs. De Trappe, Mr. Arthur Featherleigh, Mr. Banish. Mrs. de Trappe is a pretty woman with big eyes and a small waist; she has a trick of biting her under-lip, and looking shocked, as it were, at her own audacity. Her manner is a little effusive, but always well-bred. She does not seem affected, and has something artless, confiding, and pathetic. Mr. Featherleigh has a nervous laugh and a gentlemanly appearance; otherwise inscrutable. Mr. Banish is old, well-preserved, rather pompous, and evidently mistakes deportment for dignity.]

Mrs. de Trappe.[Kissing Lady Dol. on each cheek.]Dear Edith, I knew we should surprise you. But Mr. Banish and I are house-hunting, and I thought I must run in and see you and Julia, if only for a second. I felt sure you would not mind my bringing Arthur[indicating Featherleigh.]He is so lonely at the prospect of my marriage that Mr. Banish and I have promised to keep him always with us. We have known each other so long. How should we spend our evenings without him? James admits they would be tedious, don't you, James?[Indicating Banish.]
