Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 6 (1902).djvu/470

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Important Reissue of Morris's Popular Works on Natural History.

New Revised and Enlarged Edition. In 6 vols, super-royal 8vo, cloth,
400 Plates Coloured by Hand, price £4 10s. net.

A HISTORY of BRITISH BIRDS. By the Rev. F.O. MORRIS, B.A. Fifth Edition. With 400 Plates beautifully Coloured by Hand. This New Edition has been thoroughly Revised and brought up to date, and includes several New Species and Additional Plates.
Times.—"The protecting landowner, the village naturalist, the cockney 'oologist,' and the schoolboy all alike owe a debt to the Rev. F.O. Morris's admirable work, in six volumes, on British Birds, with its beautiful hand-painted plates."

New Edition, with the Plates specially Revised and Corrected. In 4 vols, super-royal
8vo, with 132 plates, Coloured by Hand, price £3 3s. net.

A NATURAL HISTORY of BRITISH MOTHS. By the Rev. F.O. MORRIS, B.A. Sixth Edition. With an Introduction by W. EGMONT KIRBY, M.D. With 132 Plates (containing 1933 distinct specimens), all beautifully Coloured by Hand, accurately delineating every known species.
Times.—"Speaking of Entomology, we should place Mr. Morris's 'History of British Moths' at the head of the list of the works on the subject. It gives a coloured figure of every known British moth, together with dates of appearance, localities, description, and food of caterpillar. It forms a handsome work for a library, and will, we should hope, lead many to commence the fascinating study of Entomology."

New and Revised Edition. Demy 8vo, buckram cloth, gilt top, with 35 Coloured Plates,
reproduced from Original Drawings by the late Professor
Schlegel. Price £2 2s. net.

A HANDBOOK of BRITISH BIRDS. Showing the Distribution of the Resident and Migratory Species in the British Islands, with an Index to the Records of the Rarer Visitants. By J.E. HARTING, F.L.S., F.Z.S., Member of the British Ornithologists' Union.

London: JOHN C. NIMMO, Ltd., 14, King William Street, Strand.

Manufacturers of Natural History Apparatus,
Cabinets, Store-Boxes, &c.

A large stock of Insects, Birds' Eggs, &c. (British, European and Exotic). List of clutches on application. Climbing Irons, best steel, with straps complete, 5s. per pair. Brass Blowpipes, 4d. and 6d. each. Drills, 2d., 3d., and 9d. each. Label Lists of every description. New Preservative Soap, non-poisonous, Is. per box; 3s. 6d. per lb. Taxidermists' Tools, Artificial Eyes, Leaves, Grass, &c. Taxidermy in all its branches. Price List (96 pp.) post free.

36, STRAND, LONDON, W.C. (only address).


Cabinets and Apparatus. Entomological Pins. Waxed Leaves and Glass Eyes.
Store Boxes, Nets, &c. Taxidermists' Tools. Walking Stick and Air Guns.
The most reliable stock of BIRDS' SKINS and BIRDS' EGGS in Britain.
British, European, and Exotic Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, &c.
New and Second-hand Books. Exchange and Label Lists.
Taxidermy of the highest class. Birds or Animals skinned, stuffed, and cased.
Heads, Horns, &c., mounted for trophies. Bugs made up, &c.
Send stamped wrapper for Ornithological Catalogue, Oct. 1897; Shell Catalogue, 1895, &c.

N B.—Mr. Marsden's business was entirely removed from Gloucester in 1889.