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The Future of Open

There is no ­time-​­out in [Keith Moon's] drumming because there is no t­ime-​­in. It is all fun stuff.


In this concluding chapter I will revisit some of the themes of this book and attempt to make the case for why openness really ­matters in the future of education. I will also set out some recommendations for considering open education in the short to medium term.

In chapter 1, I made the claim that openness has been victorious in many respects, and this was reinforced by examining the success of open access publishing, OERs, MOOCs and open scholarship. However, to many working in higher education, this would seem a rather overblown claim. They may work in contexts where open scholarship is not only not recognised, but actively discouraged, where the mention of OERs would be met with blank expressions and any proposed change to take advantage of the opportunities of open education is actively resisted. Any notion