Page:The black tulip (IA

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The Black Tulip.

The First Sucker.

On the following evening, as we have said, Rosa returned with the Bible of Cornelius De Witte.

Then began between the master and the pupil one of those charming scenes, which are the delight of the novelist who has to describe them.

The grated window, the only opening through which the two lovers were able to communicate, was too high for conveniently reading a book, although it had been quite sufficient for them to read each other’s faces.

Rosa, therefore, had to press the open book against the grating edgeways, holding above it, in her right hand, the lamp, but Cornelius hit upon the lucky idea of fixing it to the bars, so as to afford her a little rest. Rosa was then enabled to follow with her finger the letters and syllables, which she was to spell for Cornelius, who with a straw pointed out the letters to his attentive pupil, through the holes of the grating.

The light of the lamp illuminated the rich complexion of Rosa, her blue liquid eye, and her golden hair under her head-dress of gold brocade; with her fingers held up, and showing in the blood, as it flowed downwards in the veins, that pale pink hue which shines before the light, owing to the living transparency of the flesh tint.

Rosa’s intellect rapidly developed itself under the animating influence of the mind of Cornelius, and when the difficulties seemed too arduous, the sympathy of two loving hearts seemed to smooth them away.