Page:The black tulip (IA

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The Black Tulip.

“Is it, indeed?”

“Whilst the tulip opened I wrote it myself, for I did not wish to lose a moment. Here is the letter, and tell me whether you approve of it.”

Cornelius took the letter, and read, in a handwriting which was much improved even since the last little. note he had received from Rosa, as follows:—

Mynheer President,

“The black tulip is about to open, perhaps in ten minutes. As soon as it is open I shall send a messenger to you, with the request that you will come and fetch it in person from the fortress at Lœvestein. I am the daughter of the jailor, Gryphus, almost as much a captive as the prisoners of my father. I cannot, therefore, bring to you this wonderful flower. This is the reason why I beg you to come and fetch it yourself.

“It is my wish that it should be called Rosa Barlænsis.

“It has opened; it is perfectly black; come Mynheer President, come.

“I have the honour to be, your humble servant,

Rosa Gryphus.”

“That’s it, dear Rosa, that’s it. Your letter is admirable! I could not have written it with such beautiful simplicity. You will give to the committee all the information that will be asked of you. They will then know how the tulip has been grown, how much care and anxiety, and how many sleepless nights it has cost. But, for the present, not a minute must be lost, for the messenger, the messenger.”

“What’s the name of the President?”

“Give me the letter, I will direct it. Oh, he is very well known, it is Mynheer Van Herysen, the burgomaster of Haarlem; give it me, Rosa, give it me.”