Page:The common shells of the sea-shore (IA commonshellsofse00wood 0).pdf/42

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tolerable imitation of a Razor-shell would be formed. The valves are closed along the sides, but gape at each end, from the projection of the siphons at one extremity and of the foot at the other. A figure of the shell of the common species, the Sabre Razor (Solen ensis), may be seen on Plate II., fig. 9, and immediately below is an opened shell of another species, the Pod Razor (Solen siliqua), which is given in order to show the manner in which the animal lies between the shells.

The foot is of considerable size, and is used in enabling the creature to traverse the perpendicular hole which it makes in the sand or mud. When at its ease, the Razor-shell usually ascends to the top of its burrow, and I lie ends of its siphons are plainly visible, looking much like a keyhole in the sand. At the least alarm, however, such as a heavy step, the animal squirts a small stream of water in the air, and shoots to the bottom of its tunnel.

Should it be wanted for a specimen, it can easily be obtained by getting a spade inserted by the side of the hole, and dropping a little salt on the animal below. It instantly rises to eject the salt, and by a judicious use of the spade may be thrown out on the ground and captured. The spade-stroke must be made very quickly, or the Razor-shell will again disappear, and cannot be induced to re-appear even for a pound of salt. There is another simple method of capturing it, which is much in use when the creature is only wanted for the table, or for bait, but which is sure to damage both shell and inhabitant. A stout iron wire is bent and sharpened at one end, so as to form a barb, and is then plunged into the hole. The point is sure to pass between the valves, which are instantly closed, and so enable the fisher to draw the Razor-shell out of the hole. Experienced fishers generally give the wire a half turn before they withdraw it, so as to fix it more tightly in the animal.

All the Razor-shells are edible, and if properly