Page:The history and achievements of the Fort Sheridan officers' training camps.djvu/403

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self with such bravery and fearlessness, that his men captured six machine guns from the Prussian Guards and took twenty-five prisoners. The guns were then used with effect in driving the enemy from their positions. "

The Adjutant General of the Army has been requested to present this cross to you.

By command of General Pershing.


If such a thing should happen that some Hun should beat me to it, I want my family should feel only proud that I was permitted to die for so just a cause and that you, my Mother and sisters were permitted to give your son and brother to this Cause.

Don t let anyone console you about your "poor son." I'm not your "poor son." I may not be so wealthy so far as earthly treasures go but have indeed been rich in being able to give what I have, and you have, to my country, and you may be sure that I went out like a man; with my face toward the foe, a smile on my lips and a prayer in my heart.

I'm only sorry for you, and that my Father couldn't have been proud of me too, in this.



"Holliday, Harry A., First Lieutenant, 30th Infantry. For extraordinary heroism in action near Mezy, France, July 15, 1918. Although wounded during the enemy's barrage. Lieutenant Holliday remained in charge of his gun squad, protecting it from the flank with a pistol and hand grenades. He was again w^ounded by a hand grenade, but persisted in protecting the flank of the gun, though the enemy had advanced as close as the muzzle. After keeping his gun in action for ten hours, he organized a platoon of his gunners and stragglers and fought a retiring action for over a mile. He remained with his men until ordered to the hospital on account of his wounds. Home ad- dress. Dr. G. A. Holliday, Traverse City, Mich. f Second Camp, 1 1th Com- pany, R. O. T. C. Late reports state that the Medal of Honor has been




The Commanding General of the American Expeditionary Forces has awarded the Distinguished Service Cross posthumously to your husband. 1st Lieutenant Harry H. Marsh, 30th Infantry | I 8th Company, Second Fort Sher- idan R. O. T. C. I , for "extraordinary heroism in action near Cunel, France, October 14, 1918." Lieutenant Marsh with a force of fifty men took a line of trenches, at the same time capturing prisoners greatly in excess of the mem- bers of his own command. It was due to his gallant example that this feat was accomplished. He was killed by machine gun fire as the trench was taken.

The Quartermaster General of the .Army has been directed to cause the Distinguished Service Cross to be forwarded to you.

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