Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 3.djvu/239

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BATTLE OF THE ALMA. 213 XXX. After only retiring so far as to Le nearly Cil A P. of the Great EedouLt, the column defeated by Lacy '. — Yea's Fusiliers was able to rally and again show a ulffteu in iVont to the English ; * for it had on its right the ule'ilussiaa great Vladimir column, which still stood halted ^'""^ '""" near the parapet of the Great Eedovht. On the rio-ht rear of the Vladimir men there was a double- battalion column, formed out of the Kazan corps.f On the right of that last column, but still further held back, there was another double -battalion column, formed of the Sousdal corps ; and next to these, but much more in advance, and standing on the extreme right of the whole of the Paissian infantry, there were posted the two remaining bat- talions of the Sousdal corps. Somewhere in this part of the field, there were the two battalions of sailors. As an immediate reserve, or rather as a support for all these forces, the four Ouglitz bat- talions were kept in hand on the higher slopes of the Kourgan^ Hill, and were still, as before, massed in column. At some distance on the ex- treme right of the Iiussian position, the enemy's cavalry stood posted as before, confronting from afar, but never provoking, the horsemen of our

  • After their defeat, the two battalions which composed the

column seem to have parted from one another. The two bodies /uto which it resolved itself remained, bravely lingering on the hillside, though, having lost most of their olliccr.s, they were in a helpless condition. t The column defeated by the 19th Regiment, and by some of the men of the 23d.