Page:The lay of the Nibelungs; (IA nibelungslay00hortrich).pdf/438

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The queen spake to her warriors: “Ye men of courage high,
Go closer to the stairway, avenge mine injury!
Then will I be your debtor, as I by all means should.
I would requite on Hagen his overweening mood.


“Let no man leave the palace, I charge ye above all;
I will, at the four corners, have fire set to the hall:
So all the wrongs I’ve suffer’d right well avenged shall be.”
The warriors of Etzel were ready speedily.


Those that without were standing they drave the hall within
By smiting and by shooting; and fearful was the din.
Yet never would the princes their faithful men forsake;
Their fealty to each other could neither of them break.


Then Etzel’s wife gave bidding to set alight the hall.
And so with fire were tortured those warriors’ bodies all.
Caught by the wind, the palace was presently aflame;
I ween that people never to such dire anguish came.


“Oh, woe upon this horror!” cried many a one inside:
“For us it had been better had we in battle died.
May God have pity on us! lost evermore are we!
On us the queen her anger now wreaks infernally.”


Quoth one within the palace: “Needs must we all lie dead!
What profits us the greeting that from the king we had?
The burning heat so sorely with thirst doth torture me,
I trow that in this torment my life will quickly flee.”