Page:The letters of Martin Luther.djvu/359

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1535 LETTERS OF MARTIN LUTHER 319 Majesty the King of England's messenger, Dr. Antonius, has begged me to request your Grace to grant him a private interview, for he does not wish his business to be known till he knows how he stands. As your Electoral Highness knows the man, and we believe he brings good tidings, we humbly pray that he may have a hearing. And besides, he has managed matters very well in regard to M. Philip's promise to the King, and has achieved much in making the King so anxious to have him, and so unwilling that he should go to France ; and also in send- ing such a stately escort, with such a hostage, for a guarantee. So we beg your Grace, if not before, then immediately after your journey to Austria, to receive him. Who knows what God, whose wisdom is higher and His will better than ours, may achieve. So if M. Philip, who is invited in such a splendid manner, cannot fulfil his promise, it will be a great grief to him, especially as he has always been overburdened with work, melancholy, and temptations, and needs no additional sorrow. Your Electoral Grace will know how to act in a orracious manner. Christ our Lord be with you to all eternity. Amen. Your Electoral Grace's humble Martin Luther, Justus Jonas, Caspar Cruciger, John Pommer. (De Wette.) CCCXXXfll To Frau Jorger Concerning an Evangelical service in her house. September 12, 1535. Grace and peace in Christ with my poor paternoster, honoured and dear lady ! I have seen Herr Andres, and received your letter, and thank you for your present, especially the small groschen, which I would like to know if it were good, for it looks so new it might be counterfeit. Herr Andres also tells me that you are anxious to know