Page:The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy (Volume 3).pdf/186

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happens, and ever must, says Prignitz, that the excellency of the nose is in a direct arithmetical proportion to the excellency of the wearer's fancy.

It is for the same reason, that is, because 'tis all comprehended in Slawkenbergius, that I say nothing likewise of Scroderus (Andrea) who all the world knows, set himself to oppugn Prignitz with great violence,—proving it in his own way, first, logically and then by a series of stubborn facts, "That so far was Prignitz from the truth, in affirming that the fancy begat the nose, that on the contrary,—the nose begat the fancy."

—The learned suspected Scroderus, of an indecent sophism in this,—and Prignitz cried out aloud in the dispute, that Scroderus had shifted the idea upon him,but