Page:The life of St. Cecilia from ms. Ashmole 43 and ms. Cotton Tiberius E. VII (IA lifeofstceciliaf00ceci).pdf/80

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ASHMOLE MS. [fol. 185 back to 188 back].

SEyn Cecile of noble kunne: ibore was at rome. Our lord crist heo louede wel: ar heo fram cradel come Heo lette hire baptise stilliche · as we fi[n]deþ iwrite. Gerne heo bed ihesu crist: hire maidenhod to wite. Þoru hire frendes strengþe: ispoused heo was to a man. Of gret nobleie & richesse: þat het valerian. Þis maide werede robe of pal: & cloþes swiþe riche. Wen þe menstrales songe hor song: of hor menstrasie. Þis maide stilliche song of god: & seynte marie. Of þe sauter heo song þis vers: þat mest was In hire þoȝt. 'Let lord myn herte vn-wemmed be: þat Ine be confounded noȝt.' As heo was anyȝt in riche bedde: wiþ hire lord ibroȝt. Sone hadde þis fole mon: of folie hire bisoȝt. "Suete heorte" quaþ þis maide: "uor loue þat þou hast to me. Grante þat ich þe mote telle a lute priuete. & þat ich me mote scryue to þe: as conseil priue" "Tristiliche þou miȝt! quaþ þis maide: "In warde icham ido. An angel is my wardeyn: & my lefmon also. Vaste he stont her by me: & ȝif he vnderȝete. Þat þo by-nome my maidenhod: uor noþing he nolde lete. Þat he nolde harde smyte: & by-nyme þe þi miȝte Vor al þe nobleie þat þou hast: þe ne halt noȝt aȝen him fiȝte Ac ȝif he seoþ þat þou louest me: In good life & clene.