Page:The lives of the poets of Great Britain and Ireland to the time of Dean Swift - Volume 4.djvu/13

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8. Britain’s Happineſs, a muſical Interlude; performed at both the Theatres, being part of the entertainment, ſubſcribed for by the nobility. Scene a proſpect of Dover caſtle and the ſea. This Interlude was long before deſigned, only as an introdudion to an Opera; which if ever finiſhed was to have been called the Loves of Europe, every act ſhewing the manner of the different nations in their addreſſes to the fair-ſex; of which he has informed us in his prefatory epiſtle.

9. Thomyris Queen of Scythia, an Opera; tranſlated from the Italian; performed at the Theatre in Lincoln’s-Inn-Fields.

10. The Temple of Love, a Paſtoral Opera, from the Italian; performed at the Queen’s Theatre in the Hay-market, by her majeſty’s ſervants, 1706, Scene Arcadia. Time of action, the ſame with that of the repreſentation.

11. Love Dragoon’d, a Farce.

This gentleman, who ſeems to have led a very comfortable life, his circumſtances being eaſy, was unfortunate in his death; for he loſt his life in a diſorderly houſe, in the pariſh of St. Clement Danes, not without ſuſpicion of having been murthered; which accident happened to him, on his birth day in the 5 8th year of his age, 1718. His body was interred in his own pariſh church, being that of St. Mary Ax, in the city of London.
