Page:The lives of the poets of Great Britain and Ireland to the time of Dean Swift - Volume 4.djvu/151

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A Dialogue between the Reſolved Soul
and Created Pleaſure

Courage, my Soul, now learn to weild
The weight of thine immortal ſhield.
Cloſe on thy head thy helmet bright;
Ballance thy ſword againſt the fight.
See where an army, ſtrong as fair,
With ſilken banners ſpreads the air.
Now, if thou be’ſt that thing divine,
In this day’s combat let it ſhine;
And ſhew that nature wants an art
To conquer one reſolved heart.


Welcome the creation’s gueſt,
Lord of earth, and heaven’s heir;
Lay aſide that warlike creſt,
And of nature’s banquet ſhare:
Where the Souls of fruits and flow’rs,
Stand prepar’d to heighten yours.


I ſup above, and cannot ſtay,
To bait ſo long upon the way.


On theſe downy pillows lye,
Whoſe ſoft plumes will thither fly:
On theſe roſes, ſtrew’d ſo plain
Left one leaf thy ſide ſhould ſtrain.