Page:The lives of the poets of Great Britain and Ireland to the time of Dean Swift - Volume 4.djvu/169

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all her bowels. He was however prevailed with to uſe means, which he ſaid could only be by fetching off the inner coat of her ſtomach, by a very ſtrong vomit; he did ſo, and ſhe brought the hair-veel in rolls, freſh and bleeding; this diſlodged the bone, which ſplit length ways, one half paſs’d off by ſiege, black as jet, the cartilaginous part at each end conſumed, and ſharp on each ſide as a razor; the other part is ſtill lodged within her. In this raw and extream weak condition, he put her into a ſalivation, unknown to her mother or herſelf, to carry off the other part, which ſhocked them to ſuch a degree, that they ſent for Dr. Garth, who with much difficulty, and againſt his judgment, was prevailed on to take it off, and uſing a healing galenical method, ſhe began to recover ſo much ſtrength as to be turned in her bed, and receive nouriſhment: But ſhe ſoon after was ſeized with the Iliac Paſſion, and for eleven days, her excrements came upwards, and no paſſage could be forced through her, till one day by Dr. Garth, with quick-ſilver. After a few weeks it returned again, and the ſame medicine repeated, upon which ſhe recovered, and for ſome months was brought to be in a tolerable ſtate of health, only the region of the ſpleen much ſwelled; and at ſome times, when the the bone moved outwards, as it viſibly did to ſight and touch, was very painful.——In July 1713, on taking too ſtrong a purge, a large impoſthume bag came away by ſtool, on which it was ſuppoſed, the cyſtus, which the bone had worked for itſelf, being come away, the bone was voided alſo; but her pains continued ſo extraordinary, ſhe willingly ſubmitted to the decree of four ſurgeons, who agreed to make an inciſion in the left ſide of the abdomen, and extract the bone; but one of the ſurgeons utterly rejecting the operation, as impracticable, the bone being lodged in
