Page:The lives of the poets of Great Britain and Ireland to the time of Dean Swift - Volume 4.djvu/192

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The Life of

play was diſtinguiſhed by the ſurprizing conteſts between both factions, which ſhould applaud it moſt, ſo the merit of the actor received the ſame marks of approbation, both parties taking care to ſhew their ſatisfaction, by bellowing upon him moſt liberal preſents, the particulars of which are already inſerted in the life of Addiſon. The run of Cato being over at London, the managers thought fit to remove to Oxford in the ſummer, where the play met with ſo extraordinary a reception, that they were forced to open the doors at noon, and the houſe was quire full by one o’clock. The ſame reſpect was paid it for three days together, and though the univerſal applauſe it met with at London, ſurpaſſed any thing that had been remembered of that kind, yet the tribute of praiſe it received from this famous univerſity, ſurpaſſed even that. Booth, whoſe reputation was now at its heighth, took the advantage of it, and making his application to lord Bolingbroke, then at the head of the miniſtry, he procured a new licence, recalling all former ones, and Mr. Booth’s name was added to thoſe of Cibber, Dogget, and Wilks. Tho’ none of the managers had occaſion to be pleaſed with this act of juſtice done to Booth’s merit, at the expence of, what they deemed, their property, yet none of them carried their reſentment ſo high as Mr. Dogget, who abſolutely refuſed to accept of any conſideration for his ſhare in the ſcenes and clothes; this obſtinacy had however no other effect, than depriving him of his ſhare, which brought him in 1000 l. a year; though Mr. Cibber informs us, that this was only a pretence, and that the true reaſon of quitting the ſtage, was, his diſlike to another of the managers, whoſe humour was become inſupportable. This perſon we conjecture to have been Mr. Wilks, who, according to Cibber’s account, was capricious in his temper, though he had otherwiſe great merit as a player, and was

a good