Page:The lives of the poets of Great Britain and Ireland to the time of Dean Swift - Volume 4.djvu/271

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and as he did not neglect other ſciences, he acquired a general knowledge both of life and things, before moſt other perſons of diſtinction begin to read, or think at all.

By his not receiving an academical education, he eſcaped that ſtiffneſs and moroſeneſs of temper frequently contracted by thoſe who have been for ſome time condemned to a collegiate obſcurity. Neither had he the leaſt tincture of a haughty ſuperiority, ariſing from the nobleneſs of his birth, and the luſtre of his abilities. His converſation was eaſy, pleaſant, and inſtructive, always ſuited to his company, of whatever quality, humour, or capacity they were.

As it was the earl of Wharton’s view, to qualify his ſon to fill that high ſtation, in which his birth would one day place him with advantage to his country; his great care was to form him a compleat orator. For this purpoſe ſome of the principal parts in the beſt Engliſh Tragedies were aſſign’d him at times to ſtudy, particularly thoſe of Shakeſpear, which he uſed to repeat before a private audience. Sometimes his father gave him ſpeeches which had been uttered in the houſe of peers, and which the young lord got by heart, and delivered with all the graces of action and elocution; with ſo much propiety of expreſſion, emphaſis of voice, and pronunciation wherever it was requiſite, as ſhewed his lordſhip was born for this arduous province. Nor did the excellency of theſe performances receive a ſmall additional beauty from the gracefulneſs of his perſon, which was at once ſoft and majeſtic.

Thus endowed by nature to charm and perſuade, what expectations might not have been formed on him? A youth of a noble deſcent, who added to that advantage the moſt aſtoniſhing parts ever man poſſeſſed, improved by an uncommon and well regulated education. What pity is it, this illuſtrious
