Page:The lives of the poets of Great Britain and Ireland to the time of Dean Swift - Volume 4.djvu/32

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The Life of

Beauty and wit, to all of Briſtol’s line!
But each in ſome peculiar grace ſhall ſhine!
Or to excel in courts, and pleaſe the fair!
Or Conqueſt gain thro’ all the wat’ry war!
With harmony divine the ear to charm!
Or ſouls with more melodious numbers warm!
By wond’rous memory ſhall ſome excel
In awful ſenates, and in ſpeaking well!
To hold Aſtræa’s ſcales with equal hand,
And call back juſtice to that happy land!
To teach mankind how beſt the gods to praiſe!
To fix their minds in truth’s unerring ways!

Thus all her honours, Briſtol’s ſons ſhall wear,
Whilſt each his country’s good ſhall make his chiefeſt care!
