Page:The lives of the poets of Great Britain and Ireland to the time of Dean Swift - Volume 4.djvu/366

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The Life of, &c.

was for ſome years auditor-general of the city and Bridge accounts, and, to the time of his deceaſe, auditor of the accounts of St. Paul’s Cathedral, and St. Thomas’s Hoſpital. Though, in reality, Ozell was a man of very little genius, yet Mr. Coxeter aſſerts, that his converſatron was ſurprizingly pleaſing, and that he had a pretty good knowledge of men and things. He poſſibly poſſeſſed a large ſhare of good nature, which, when joined with but a tolerable underſtanding, will render the perſon, who is bleſſed with it, more amiable, than the moſt flaſhy wit, and the higheſt genius without it.

End of the Fourth Volume.