Page:The lives of the poets of Great Britain and Ireland to the time of Dean Swift - Volume 4.djvu/48

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The Life of

The Advices from Parnaſſus, and the Poetical Touchſtone of Trajano Boccalini, tranſlated by ſeveral hands, were printed in folio 1706. This tranſlation was reviſed and corrected, and the preface to it was written by Mr. Hughes.

Fontenelle’s Dialogues of the Dead, tranſlated by our author; with two original Dialogues, publiſhed in the year 1708. The greateſt part of this had lain by him for ſix years.

Fontenelle’s Diſcourſe concerning the antients, and moderns, are printed with his converſations with a Lady, on the Plurality of Worlds, tranſlated by Glanville.

The Hiſtory of the Revolutions in Portugal, written in French, by Monſieur L’Abbé de Vertot, was tranſlated by Mr. Hughes.

The Tranſlation of the Letters of Abelard and Heloiſe, was done by Mr. Hughes; upon which Mr. Pope has built his beautiful Epiſtle of Heloiſe to Abelard.

As Mr. Hughes was an occaſional contributor to the Tatler, Spectator, and Guardian, the reader perhaps may be curious to know more particularly what ſhare he had in thoſe papers, which are ſo juſtly admired in all places in the world, where taſte and genius have viſited. As it is the higheſt honour to have had any concern in works like theſe, ſo it would be moſt injurious to the memory of this excellent genius, not to particularize his ſhare in them.

In the Tatler he writ,

Vol. II. Numb. 64. A Letter ſigned Joſiah Couplet.
Numb. 73. A Letter againſt Gameſters, ſigned William Truſty.

Mr. Tickell alludes to this Letter, in a Copy of Verſes addreſſed to the Spectator, Vol. VII. No. 532.
